In response to the opening of new Amazon Go stores, Walmart and Sam’s Club are doubling down on its retail technology with an experimental store location in Dallas. At the end… Continue Reading Sam’s Club Now: A Review
In response to the opening of new Amazon Go stores, Walmart and Sam’s Club are doubling down on its retail technology with an experimental store location in Dallas. At the end… Continue Reading Sam’s Club Now: A Review
Now more than ever, pricing based on solid data is necessary for retailers to succeed in this increasingly competitive market. This latest report from Gartner gives an overview of the different… Continue Reading Gartner’s Market Guide for Unified Price, Promotion and Markdown Optimization Applications, Update 2018
We wish you and your families the best this holiday season. Enjoy our version of Winter Wonderland! Author Anisha Yerramilli View all posts
When European retailer Aldi started opening stores up and down Britain in 2016, people who lived close to a new retailer location started noticing that the value of their homes… Continue Reading The Aldi Effect: Are Walmart prices higher in locations where there is no Aldi store?
Food Costs on the Rise USA Today recently came out with a report about which grocery item costs have risen the most in the last ten years. The increases ranged from… Continue Reading What’s Driving Up Your Grocery Bill? The Costs Explained.
Retail is at a tipping point This was a main theme at GroceryShop’s inaugural event last month in Las Vegas. The event was attended by over 2,200 retail and… Continue Reading The Rise of Agent-based Shopping
Pricing in a Post-Tariff Market As the markets closed on September 17th, the United States announced another round of tariffs against Chinese products. The tariffs, this time consisting of $200… Continue Reading Pricing in a Post-Tariff Market
November 8, 2018 – BERKELEY, Calif. With the launch of the latest store, Amazon now has three Amazon 4-star retail locations in the United States. The second store opened last… Continue Reading Amazon 4-Star Review
A Shopper’s Store-switching Decision A KVI is a known value item. It’s an item that disproportionally drives the price value perception. So, in a grocery store it would include eggs… Continue Reading Known Value Items – Drivers of Price Image
“The wonderful thing about food is that everyone uses it, and they only use it once.” – Sylvan Goldman The grocery cart, now a retail standard, originally looked nothing like it does today.… Continue Reading A History of the Grocery Cart