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Sacramento Business Journal: Engage3 COO is one of 40 Under 40 award recipients

Sacramento Business Journal: Engage3 COO is One of 40 Under 40 Award Recipients

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Edris Bemanian, Chief Operating Officer of Engage3, was chosen as one of Sacramento Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 recipients for 2019 for his work in transforming the company. He and the other recipients celebrated with a sold-out event at the California Museum on November 19, where each received their award around friends, family, and other Sacramento professionals. Continue Reading Sacramento Business Journal: Engage3 COO is One of 40 Under 40 Award Recipients

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Using Private Label to Improve Price Image; A New Organizational Structure That Puts Customers First

By Competitive Data, Industry Insights, Personalization, Price Image

Ken Ouimet of Engage3 and Wesley Bean of Catalina Marketing talk about providing customers more value not only by carrying healthier-for-you products, but also helping them navigate through store assortments by highlighting product attributes that are specific to their health requirements. They also discussed how retailers should think about their Price Image in terms of their private label offerings. Wes mentions how other retailers can learn from the success of Kroger’s Simple Truth, now a $2B organic health and wellness brand. Ken brings up the rise of attribute loyalty vs. brand loyalty and Wes discusses a new approach to organizational structure from the typical product/category system to a customer-solution orientation. Continue Reading Using Private Label to Improve Price Image; A New Organizational Structure That Puts Customers First

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Nielsen: Marcia Webb

Nielsen: 10 Items Drive 50% of Retailers’ Price Image

By In-store Strategy, Industry Insights, Market Insights, Price Image, Price Optimization

Marcia Webb, Vice President of Retail at Neilsen, cited Nielsen research that found that only 10 items in a store drive 50% of consumers’ price image of a retailer. Will retailers of the future use demand pricing? One-to-one pricing? Or another type of pricing? Watch Ken and Marcia present their differing opinions about the future of price and health personalization in grocery. This is Part 2 of 3 videos of Ken Ouimet’s conversation with Marcia Webb, VP of Retail at Nielsen, at GroceryShop in September, 2019. Continue Reading Nielsen: 10 Items Drive 50% of Retailers’ Price Image

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