Retailers are taking steps to expand their grocery offerings to reach new customers. Major players in the Midwest like Hy-Vee are innovating in both the digital and health & wellness… Continue Reading Hy-Vee Store Formats: Midwest Innovation
In a new exclusive interview with Winsight Grocery, Ken Ouimet, CEO and co-founder of Engage3, goes into detail about how he started in the retail pricing business and how it’s… Continue Reading Winsight Grocery: Talking Pricing With the ‘Father of Price Optimization’
Marcia Webb, Vice President of Retail at Neilsen, cited Nielsen research that found that only 10 items in a store drive 50% of consumers’ price image of a retailer. Will retailers of the future use demand pricing? One-to-one pricing? Or another type of pricing? Watch Ken and Marcia present their differing opinions about the future of price and health personalization in grocery. This is Part 2 of 3 videos of Ken Ouimet’s conversation with Marcia Webb, VP of Retail at Nielsen, at GroceryShop in September, 2019. Continue Reading Nielsen: 10 Items Drive 50% of Retailers’ Price Image
While other department stores are struggling to adapt to a digital retail space, Nordstrom Local is embracing the concept of “thinking small.” The retailer recently opened two new Local stores… Continue Reading Product-less store: Nordstrom Local
Ken Ouimet, CEO at Engage3, and Wes Bean, SVP Global Retail Network at Catalina Marketing, discuss how some retailers in Europe are experimenting with giving healthier-for-you items in stores premium… Continue Reading Talking Shop: AI as the new store manager; premium shelf placement for healthy foods
Supreme, a street fashion online brand known for its popularity, high prices, and black market of resold products, recently opened a new physical location in San Francisco. By disrupting the… Continue Reading Lottery Shopping: Supreme Store Review
I am studying Computer Science at Santa Clara University, and although I love Computer Science, I have always been interested in Business. I was interested in companies that combined Computer… Continue Reading Anisha Yerramilli: My Time at Engage3
Nielsen’s Marcia Webb Talks About How Health Has Become a Differentiator Continue Reading Nielsen’s Marcia Webb Talks About How Health Has Become a Differentiator
Engage3 has moved into a larger office space in Downtown Davis, marking a new period in the company’s continuing expansion. The office, located at 707 4th Street and taking over… Continue Reading Sacramento Business Journal: Engage3 Moves Into New Office
From brand loyalty erosion and privacy vs. personalization, to how Aldi’s efficiencies are keeping Walmart and Amazon on their toes, Ken Ouimet and Jon Springer discuss some of the hottest… Continue Reading Podcast: At GroceryShop 2019 with Jon Springer