In a new exclusive interview with Winsight Grocery, Ken Ouimet, CEO and co-founder of Engage3, goes into detail about how he started in the retail pricing business and how it’s evolved over the years.
Going through the different periods of his life, Ken discusses his origins in pricing and how his graduate education led to the success and sale of KhiMetrics. With Engage3, Ken has improved on the statistical models used at KhiMetrics by focusing on Price Image and how all retailers can benefit from managing it.
For these and more answers to questions including Ken’s favorite scientist and competition between retailers, you can read the full interview exclusively on Winsight Grocery Business here.
Ken also recently sat down with Jon Springer, Executive Editor of Winsight Grocery Business, at GroceryShop 2019 to discuss the role of personalization in grocery retail and other topics related to the industry. The two talked about Jon’s background, what led him into grocery, and his perspective on the challenges that retailers face today. To watch the video, you can visit the blog post here.