Engage3 won the “Game Changer” Award at the Sacramento Business Journal’s sold-out TechEdge Conference on Wednesday of last week.
Produced this year in partnership with George Foreman Jr.’s IYC Capital, the event was held at the Sheraton Grand in downtown Sacramento. Along with local tech leaders, guests and speakers included Congresswoman Doris Matsui and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, and representatives from Amazon Web Services and Samsung. Several panel discussions included how startup funding works, with panel participants from DiverseCity Ventures, Moneta Ventures, UC Berkeley Skydeck Fund and North Bay Angels, and additional panel discussions about the state of medical technology and agriculture technology in California.
Congresswoman Doris Matsui was a special guest. TIA GEMMEL PHOTOS. TIA GEMMEL PHOTOS.

For more information on the latest in retail technology, you can watch our interview with Bill Bishop on product attributes and personalization here. TechEdge is presented by the Sacramento Business Journal and George Foreman Jr.’s IYC Capital. You can visit their website here.